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What home or office can live without water faucets. Bathtub faucets and handles are some of the most basic equipment needed in constructions. Without these in place, a building will not be functional since water woes will cast a curse. At LANSS, we have premium bathtub faucets and handles crafted with the niche aesthetics of Bangaloreans in mind. Designed to be budget-friendly, we make sure that you are spared the agony of spending enormous amounts on crucial elements of a building. We understand how costly life in Bangalore is, and hence have brought in a line of water ware that keeps the steep cost of living in mind. We give you the peace of mind to be able to choose something affordable, long-lasting and exquisite.

With LANSS by your side in the buying and installation of water ware, the experience is seamless. Our customer support and sales representatives are always on top of their game. You also get the advantage of repair and maintenance services that are top-notch. With different uses for faucets and handles like sinks in the washrooms and kitchens, a home generally needs several of these to operate properly. A large office would need hundreds.
Being aware of the high demand for water ware in Bangalore, especially since new constructions are always on the rise, we have developed a thorough brochure that covers every angle you could think of. The stunning chrome finish gives durability that can stand the test of time. Fittings like faucets and handles can last a lifetime. That’s why we’ve brought out a line of products where you can spend once and never have to think about buying again. Our lavish range caters to different functions depending upon the use you have in mind.

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