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Flexible Silicon Faucet

Flexible silicon faucets semm to be the latest craze in wash ware. Silicon has invaded our world to the point where it is ubiquitous and can be found everywhere at any time. LANSS offers the best flexible silicon faucets in Bangalore in fashionable black and chrome plating. Who doesn’t fall for a balck and chrome colour palette?

That’s as rugged as it gets! However, looks can be deceptive. The black and metal body is flexible because it is made of silicon. The look of these pieces are quite trendy and in line with the times. Especially with the love of millennials for black and metal tones, this stands out as a style statement unique in its newness. Hurry and get hold of this before everyone has one installed at home. This is still something new, so you can impress alot of people with this style of faucet.

Since silicon has proved to be a reliable industrial material, a lot of people look for flexible silicon faucets in Bangalore. With swan necks and both single and dula flow options, these faucets are quite artsy and useful at the same time. We use premium and high-grade materials in our manufacturing process to ensure that you have the best equipment on the market at your disposal. The black colour of our silicon faucets ensures that they don’t get dark spots as easily as other colours of silicon. The easily adaptable and moldable nature of silicon means that different designs can be experimented with. We have brought out some bold pieces with our experimentation with silicon. It has been a rewarding journey with fascinating results sure to please every customer.

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