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Choose the Perfect Water Softener for Your Bathroom in Bangalore


Living in Bangalore, just like any other city in India comes along with its share of challenges. Hard water is one of those. With a rampant hard water problem in this city due to the absence of rivers in Karnataka, most of Bangalore depends upon borewell water. Borewell water in this city has high quantities of contaminants and minerals making the water hard. This necessitates the use of water softener for bathroom taps. With such a huge variety of water softeners on the market, how do you go about choosing the correct one for your home? To choose the best water softener for your bathroom, consider the following factors:

Assess Your Water Hardness

You can buy water testing strips to check for any hardness in the water at home. The pH for water is right in the middle of the scale at 7. There are water testing labs in Bangalore that you can go to for testing the hardness of your water. There are home test kits available for testing your water quality yourself. A water testing lab that is NABL/CAP/ISO certified is recommended for ensuring accuracy in results.

Types of Water Softeners

Salt based water softeners:

Salt based water softener for bathrooms use regular refills of salt (NaCl) which reacts with the magnesium and calcium ions of hard water, thus filtering them out and leaving behind sodium. 

Dual tank water softeners:

Dual tank water softener with two tanks instead of one use the same salt based method. One tank is for regeneration and the other tank is for supplying soft water to the rest of the household.

Electromagnetic & magnetic water softeners:

Electromagnetic and magnetic water softeners do not remove the hard water particles from water, but instead neutralise them by adding a charge preventing them from sticking to skin, hair and other objects in the washroom. This works well for small households only.


A cartridge is used for adding polyphosphates to water in restaurants to prevent the scaling of pipes and plumbing wear.

Capacity and Size

Choosing the right capacity for your water softener depends on the size of your household and your water usage. A larger capacity system is beneficial for a household with high water consumption. Hard water softener for bathroom shower and tap capacity is often measured in grains, indicating how many grains of hardness the unit can remove before regeneration is needed. Ensure the capacity aligns with your household’s needs to avoid frequent regenerations and maintain efficiency.
Perfect Water Softener for your bathroom in Bangalore | Capacity and Size
Perfect Water Softener for your bathroom in Bangalore | Regeneration Process

Regeneration Process

The regeneration process is how the water softener cleans and recharges its resin beads. There are three main types of regeneration processes:
  • Timer based regeneration: This process occurs at a set time, regardless of water usage. It can be less efficient if your water usage varies.
  • Metered regeneration: This process occurs based on the amount of water used, making it more efficient and economical.
  • Manual regeneration: This requires you to manually start the regeneration process, offering flexibility but requiring more attention.

Maintenance Needs

Different water softeners for bathroom have varying maintenance requirements. Ion exchange softeners typically require regular replenishment of salt. Salt free systems generally need less maintenance but may still require periodic filter changes. Consider the long term maintenance needs and choose a system that fits your lifestyle and time availability.
Perfect Water Softener for your bathroom in Bangalore | Maintenance Needs
Perfect Water Softener for your bathroom in Bangalore | Installation and Space

Installation and Space

Assess the space available in your bathroom or home for installing a water softener. Some units are compact and can fit in small spaces while others require more room. Additionally, consider whether you’ll install the unit yourself or hire a professional. Professional installation ensures proper setup but adds to the initial cost.

Water and Energy Efficiency

Modern hard water filter for bathroom are designed to be water and energy efficient. Look for systems with high efficiency ratings which can help reduce your water and energy bills. Metered regeneration systems are typically more efficient using only the necessary amount of water and salt for regeneration.
Perfect Water Softener for your bathroom in Bangalore | Water and Energy Efficiency
Perfect Water Softener for your bathroom in Bangalore | Warranty and Support

Warranty and Support

A good warranty and reliable customer support are essential when investing in a water softener. Warranties can vary widely, covering parts, labour and the resin tank. Look for hard water filters for bathrooms with comprehensive warranties and ensure the manufacturer offers responsive customer support for any issues that may arise.

Budgetary Considerations

Water softeners come in a range of prices from budget friendly models to high-end systems with advanced features. While it’s important to choose a system within your budget, consider the long term benefits of installing water softener and potential savings on appliance repairs and energy costs. A little bit extra money up front can occasionally result in longer-term cost savings.
Perfect Water Softener for your bathroom in Bangalore | Budgetary considerations
Perfect Water Softener for your bathroom in Bangalore | Reviews and Recommendations

Seek Reviews and Recommendations

Before making a final decision, read reviews and seek recommendations from other homeowners or professionals. Online reviews can provide insights into the performance and reliability of different hard water filters for bathrooms. Additionally, talking to friends, family or neighbors who have water softeners can give you firsthand information about their experiences and any potential issues they’ve encountered.


Choosing the perfect water softener for your bathroom tap in Bangalore involves evaluating several factors, including your water hardness level, the type of softener, capacity, regeneration process, maintenance needs, installation space, efficiency, warranty and budget.
By carefully considering these aspects and seeking recommendations, you can select the best water softener for your bathroom that will effectively address your water hardness issues, enhance your water quality and protect your plumbing and appliances. Investing in a suitable water softener is a valuable step towards ensuring a comfortable and efficient home environment.

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