LANSS India Logo

About Us

LANSS, the industry leader in water & bath appliances

Who we are

Your source of the pure water & bathroom appliances

We are a brand carefully tuned in to our customers and can intuit the specific concerns of homes and offices with regards to water and bath appliances. We pride ourselves on being the best out there. We know we have a tall order calling to us, but we take in our noble stride to fulfill your every wish.
Top-of-the-rung Products

Unmatched quality and aesthetic design in our product range will leave you gasping for more and wondering how.

Excellence in Customer Service

We want to give you precedence in all matters with all our agents who will interact with you at their best.

A Legacy Grounded in Family

Having grown from the roots of an extremely well-established business family, we are groomed in catering to people.

kitchen Tap in a home furnishings retail


Years of Experience
in the industry
Our Value

The LANSS You will Come to Cherish

Headed by someone with very strong principles and an acute sense of buyer dynamics, LANSS has crafted some of the most superior water and bath products that are on the market today.

It’s not just about pieces that fit into a household, it’s about the people that live their, their health, their values, their likes and dislikes. So many things go into a home, and unless you feel a soul-level satisfaction, you’ll never be happy.

A Focus on Finesse

We’ve crafted elegant and timeless classics that will resonate with your higher self.

The Good Life

So much of what you need to live well is in your home and the water that runs through it.

An Elite Name You Can Build Trust in

We’re not just a name, we’re a tradition. With thousands of customers reaching out to us, we are here to alter your living and take it to another place of being.

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